Overview of Covid-19 Case in Lumajang Regency on 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019, Lumajang District, Case descriptionAbstract
Phenomenon of a new outbreak called Covid-19 originating from Wuhan, China, the victims continued to increase
as well as in Lumajang Regency, Covid-19 cases increased dramatically in September until December. The
purpose of this study is to describe Covid-19 cases in Lumajang Regency based on age factors, regional factors,
time factors, and factors as health workers. This type of research is descriptive with a cross sectional approach.
The number of Covid-19 cases in Lumajang Regency as of December 31, 2020 was recorded at 2412 cases.
Cases based on the patient's age factor were reported to be the highest infecting the age of 31-45 years. The most
cases based on regional factors were in the Lumajang sub-district with 557 confirmed cases. Cases based on time
factor, the largest addition of cases occurred in December with an additional 1046 cases. Cases based on the
positive factor of health workers at Djatiroto Hospital were 54 health workers. The high number of deaths at the
age above 60 years occurs because that age range has a congenital disease. The factor as health workers with the
largest number is because these health workers are dealing directly with Covid-19 patients every day. Describing
Covid-19 cases is needed for handling to reduce the high number of Covid-19 cases.